Definition of comfort zone:
a situation where one feels safe or at ease
a settled method of working that requires little effort and yields only barely acceptable results
It all started when, a few years ago, I made it a goal to do one new thing per month - it had to be either scary or out of my comfort zone.
Ever since I've been addicted to challenging myself in big and small ways. I've also seen myself grow as a person, become more patient, braver.
In addition, more opportunity has flooded my life as well.
Now it's my mission to get others to join me!
At the beginning of each month, I will send you an email with your choice of comfort-zone challenges.
One will be mild, one will be medium and one will be hot. You can choose which one you want to do, or you can do all three!​ There also is no limit to how many times you can complete the tasks. Do it once, or do it multiple times.
Each month will have a different theme, for example: self-love, adventure or food. ​​
These challenges could include things that you do alone, do in groups, challenge your social anxiety, challenge your mind, challenge your daily routine.
Theme - Daily Routine
Mild: Take a different route home from work, or from the gym
Medium: Wake up 1 hour earlier than usual for a week
Hot: Stop one nervous or bad habit (ex: nail-biting)
What are you waiting for? This is your sign. You can do it!
"Coming out of your comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, and awesome in the end…because in the end, it shows you a whole new world.”
Manoj Arora
how it works
through the link below
I will send new challenges to you via email on the 1st of the month
choose the mild, medium, or hot options and complete the task within the month